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RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland

RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland - Topcomhomes

RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland.

 The RTB was established in 2004 on foot of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). The RTB is an agency of Government with statutory powers. The central role of the RTB is to support the rental housing market and to resolve cheaply and speedily disputes between landlords and tenants, affording protection to both parties without having to resort to the Courts.

As a statutory body, the RTB is responsible for the operation of a national registration system for all private residential tenancies and for all tenancies provided in the Approved Housing Body Sector. These are generally social rented tenancies provided by not for profit housing providers, often referred to as housing associations. One of the core functions of the RTB is also to provide for both tenants and landlords, a timely and cost effective dispute resolution service. As well as this the RTB publishes the rent index for private rented accommodation, disseminate information, carries out research and offers policy advice regarding the rental housing sector.



The organisation’s mandate is clearly defined by the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 (Section 151), and can be summarised as follows:

the resolution of disputes between tenants and landlords;
the registration of particulars in respect of tenancies in the private residential rented sector;
the provision to the Minister of advice concerning policy in relation to the private rented sector;
the development and publication of guidelines for good practice by those involved in the private rented sector;
the collection and provision of information relating to the private rented sector, including information concerning prevailing rent levels;
the conduct of research into the private rented sector and monitoring the operation of various aspects of the sector where the Board considers it appropriate;
the review of the operation of the Act and any related enactments, and the making of recommendations to the Minister for amendments to same;
the performance of any additional functions conferred on the Board
In delivering on its mandate, the organisation is guided by its Mission and Vision statements.


To develop and support a well-regulated residential rental sector in Ireland for the equal benefit of landlords, tenants and society at large through the provision of a high quality national register of tenancies, the provision of modern professional mechanisms to resolve tenancy disputes in a timely cost-effective and equitable manner, and the provision of information and advice which enhance the knowledge and understanding of the sector.


A well-functioning rental housing sector in Ireland that is fair, accessible and beneficial for all.

Contact the RTB

Please note that the RTB is not a Public Office.

You may however wish to contact the RTB by telephone, email or post.

Phone the RTB: 9:00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday - 0818 30 30 37

Send a fax to the RTB - 0818 30 30 39 Emails to the RTB should be directed to the appropriate email address below.

This will enable us to deal with your query as quickly as possible. If you have a reference number please quote this in all correspondence.

Tenancy Registration queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration Enforcement : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dispute Resolution queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tribunal queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Determination Order Enforcement: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For all media and press queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For all data protection queries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


All postal correspondence should be directed to:
Residential Tenancies Board,
PO Box 47,
County Cork.


An Bord um Thionóntachtaí Cónaithe,
Bosca PO 47,
Cloich na Coillte,
Contae Chorcaí.


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